Get the Checklist: What to Look for in an Embedded Insurance Partner

So you’ve done your research on the business opportunity of embedded insurance, and concluded it’s the right choice for your company. You’re ready to get started. Now what?

If your background isn’t in selling insurance, it can be hard to know what to look for in an embedded insurance partner. Insurance is a complex industry with a lot of specialized vocabulary - which can make it tricky to know if you’re comparing apples to apples with what different partners can offer you. 

We've put together the Checklist: What to Look for in an Embedded Insurance Partner to help.

The Embedded Insurance Checklist is your guide for what to look for in a potential partner, what questions to ask, and why it matters. Learn what you need to know about:

  • Compliance. Insurance is highly regulated, and each US state sets its own rules. We cover what to look for to make sure you get the right legal structure for your business goals.
  • Risk Capital. Insurance is all about managing risk, both for your customers and for you. We cover how to make sure a potential partner is covering their bases.
  • Program Management. An insurance offering is a product like any other, and will need ongoing management to be successful. We cover what to support to look for from your partner.
  • Insurance Product. Insurance products can vary a lot in what they offer, and what your options are for offering them to your customers. Learn more about how this works, and how to make sure you get what you need.
  • Technology & APIs. Different solutions may offer different levels of technical sophistication and capability. We highlight what’s important for a seamless embedded insurance experience.
  • Experience & Branding. Offering embedded insurance can be a powerful differentiator for your brand, and help build customer loyalty. We cover how to make sure your brand will be front and center.

Get the Checklist Here

As always, our team is always happy to answer any questions.

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