Boost + Five Sigma: Building a Better Claims Experience

Creating a faster, more convenient insurance-buying process is important. Not only does it unlock...

Pet Insurance 101: What You Need to Know [2022]

With companion pets living in 70% of U.S. households, pet insurance is a huge revenue growth...

Insurance Term Definitions: A Beginner’s Guide

If you’re unfamiliar with insurance and trying to learn more, there’s one thing you probably...

Employee Spotlight: Taryn Haas, Partner Success Manager

Welcome to the Boost Employee Spotlight! Each month, we feature a different member of the Boost...

Get the Guide: Growing Your Revenue with Embedded Pet Insurance

It’s a great time to get into the pet insurance market. In fact, more than 70% of American...

Boost recognized by Built In as a Best Place to Work

Built In just released their 2022 Best Places to Work lists, and here at Boost we couldn’t be more...

Get the Checklist: What to Look for in an Embedded Insurance Partner

So you’ve done your research on the business opportunity of embedded insurance, and concluded it’s ...

Is Selling Embedded Insurance Right For Your Business?

With more and more companies taking advantage of the growth opportunity of embedded insurance, you...

Partnerships and Focus: Big Trends at Money20/20

It was a busy October for the team at Boost, wrapping up with one of our favorite industry events:...

Offering Insurance: Build, Partner, or White-Label?

So you’ve heard that the insurance market is set to pass $700B gross written premiums this year1,...
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